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Namibian Acacia trees

Who We Are

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Acacia Composites was created out of a desire to make the world better than we found it. We wanted to change lives, help the environment, and build a company that improves instead of harms our planet. 

We are the first producer of composites fully made of invasive bush species, worldwide. Removing the bush means recreating the natural habitat for wildlife.

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Cheetahs in newly debushed area
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Our Mission

At Acacia Composites, we believe that protecting the environment

and building a sustainable future is essential to the long-term success of our company and our planet. We do this by providing an eco-friendly, ethically produced, and affordable product we are truly proud of.

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Acacia Composites


Our wood composites are made from a combination of reclaimed intruder bush fibres, which are invasive and pose a threat to local agriculture, animals and tourism, as well as a polymer made from recycled plastic bottles.

Environment Friendly

Additionally, our manufacturing process is designed to minimize waste and energy consumption, further reducing our environmental impact. We thrive under a carbon-neutral operation and plan to switch over to a primarily solar-powered operation in the near future.


We chose to manufacture our products in a friendly African country where we could help create employment, inspire skills development, and uplift communities. Namibia, with its proficient artisans, tons of invasive intruder bush, and solar-friendly sunny days was an obvious choice.

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